Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nasi Ulam

We had a simple nasi ulam for berbuka yesterday. The nasi was the usual boiled white rice without any santan added (some recipes use santan). The ulams were either from our backyard garden or bought. The ones that we used were serai kayu, daun gajus (Noni), limau purut, daun sambung nyawa, selasih (basil), mint and we had to get bunga kantan from the sundry shop. All were finely sliced plus also some onions and desicated coconut (tumbuk halus sikit with garam and some people guna gula merah jugak).

My other half brought home 4 ikan keli from Beranang, that had already been washed and he prepared them whilst I, fried them! Our 23rd wedding anniversary had no table laden with exotic food but a simple nasi ulam which each and everyone of us enjoyed!

(**Pokok kacang botol di tepi rumah.**)

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